Dupont Library: Meeting Room A
There is a board meeting scheduled for Wednesday June 12 at 7pm at the Dupont Library. Among the business to be conducted is a further discussion of the Pufferbelly Trail cut through issue raised by some residents and the various solutions so far proposed as solutions. As those who attended the annual meeting are aware, there was a lot of discussion on this issue amongst our neighbors. Please see below for additional details prior to the meeting.
- Residents at 606 and 613 Lakemont Court have complained of kids using a path that connects from the common area through the lake culvert to the Pufferbelly Trail and then taking a shortcut through their easement to get to the cul-de-sac on Lakemont Court.
- The following solutions have been proposed at prior board meetings:
- Build a fence across the culvert (area marked in yellow) – 3 quotes were given for approximately $4,000 depending on materials and final length.
- Utilize natural barriers such as logs and thorn bushes to discourage utilization of this trail. The trail is no longer being mowed or sprayed by these neighbors and will grow over in time.
- The neighbors at 606 and 613 Lakemont Court can build a connecting fence on their property at their own expense.